Low Energy

How can I increase my energy?

We can raise our energy with positive self-talk.

Fatigue is a common concern, often caused, by our thinking habits and unexplored feelings.

Here is the simple and effective method that I use for myself and others.

How to restore our energy in 3-steps.

  1. Get Grounded
  2. Set an Intention
  3. Act on the Intention


“Please, do not expect too much of yourself or the practice.”

Interest: When we are interested everything seems to fall into place.

Courage: We may feel unpleasant emotions that need our attention.

Practice, Practice, Practice: Says it all, in order to get lasting results.

Medical Stress

Low energy is a common symptom of many illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, anemia, thyroid disease, and sleep apnea. Talk to your doctor if you feel unusually tired. Also keep caring for the body with healthy food, water and exercise.

Mental Stress

Mental stress from over-thinking can drain us. We repeat negative self-talk throughout the day.

Emotional Stress

Emotional stress from life experiences difficult relationship, money issues, and health concerns are often a source of our low energy.

STRESS RELIEF TRIANGLE  (video)the stress relief triangle

1. Attention
2. Intention
3. Action

1. Get Grounded (video)

Getting Grounded & Safe:

The Practice: ‘Stopping & Dropping’ (releases stress) stopping & dropping

Problem: Shallow breathing prevents the body from getting enough oxygen. Many people fail to breathe deeply when they feel tense, which is one reason they may feel zapped at the end of a stress-filled day.

Solution: Throughout the day take breath breaks often. A breath break is breathing in deeply and out completely for three full breaths or more. Doing so allows more oxygen into our cells, which slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and improves circulation, ultimately providing more energy.

Details: Softly, breath in slowly and deeply. Follow the sensations of the in breathe in down into the belly. Set the intention to be gentle with yourself as you breath in with a caring attention.

“Breathing in, I know I am breathing in

2. Get Happy (video)

Getting Happy & Energized:

The Practice:‘Opening & Smiling’ (restores energy)

Frowning: Research into the beauty treatment Botox suggests. The anti-wrinkle drug can make people feel better because it stops them frowning when they are unhappy and by extension lower energy.

Smiling: A smile spurs a powerful chemical reaction in the brain that can make you feel happier. When we smile our parasympathetic nervous system overrides tension and stress. Your heart picks up energy of smile and quickly infuses its message on every cell as it pumps oxygenated blood around your body.

Details: Pay attention to the corners of your mouth and invite them to rise. Softly breath in and set a positive intention for the 2nd stage low energy stress relief.

“Breathing in, I smile deeply and completely”

3. Get Rested (video)

resting in awareness

Getting Rested & Wise:

The Practice: ‘Resting & Reflecting (reduces future stress)

Resting: When we treat rest as work’s equal partner. We, recognize it as a playground for the creative mind and a springboard for new ideas, and learn ways to take rest more effectively. We raise it into something valuable that can help calm our days and organize our lives. Rest, give us more time, to achieve more and work less.

Reflecting:  Personal reflection enables us to process and gain meaning from our life experiences. We all stand to gain from engaging in some type of reflection. Through personal reflection on all of our unpleasant life experiences we will begin to understand them as part of life. The more we understand ourselves, the less we drain our energy.

Details: Rest with a non-judgmental and open mind as you consider what may be causing the fatigue. Could it be unresolved emotion content and life experience, or could it be a habit of mind that has come with time.

“Breathing in, may I understand and let go”